Navigating the Eskom Price Hike: 5 Practical Tips and Alternatives

It’s no secret that Eskom’s ongoing escalation of electricity prices and load-shedding have South Africans seeking viable energy alternatives. The recent 12.74% tariff increase for the 2024/25 fiscal year, on top of an 18.65% hike in 2023, is a stark reminder of the urgency to explore other energy options. If your business is in the process of reconsidering your energy strategies, here are 5 practical tips and alternatives to think about:

  1. Solar Power Solutions: Solar energy has appeared as a frontrunner in the renewable energy race, offering businesses a clean, abundant, and increasingly affordable power source. Investing in solar photovoltaic (PV) panels can significantly reduce your reliance on the grid, lower your energy costs, and decrease your carbon footprint. Consider the following:
  • Conduct a thorough energy audit to figure out your business’s energy needs and potential solar capacity.
  • Explore various financing options, such as solar leasing or power purchase agreements (PPAs), to mitigate upfront costs.
  • Look into hybrid systems that combine solar with grid power or other energy sources to ensure uninterrupted power supply.


  1. Wind Energy Solutions: While not as universally applicable as solar, wind energy can be a practical alternative for businesses located in areas with consistent wind patterns. Small-scale wind turbines can complement your energy mix, providing an added renewable source to offset Eskom’s supply:
  • Assess the wind potential of your location with the help of experts or wind maps.
  • Consider the size and type of turbine that best suits your energy needs and site conditions.
  • Investigate incentives or grants available for wind energy installations.


  1. Battery Storage Systems: Battery storage is a game-changer for businesses looking to maximise their renewable energy usage and ensure energy security. By storing excess energy generated during peak production times, batteries can provide power during outages or periods of high demand:
  • Evaluate your energy storage needs based on your renewable energy capacity and usage patterns.
  • Choose a battery system that offers the right balance of capacity, lifespan, and cost-effectiveness.
  • Check the warranties offered with the battery storage system. Look for warranties that guarantee a certain level of performance.


  1. Generator Management Solutions: For businesses requiring backup power, generators remain a popular option. However, managing generators efficiently can reduce fuel costs and environmental impact:
  • Implement a smart generator monitoring system that automatically start and stop the generator based on energy needs, reducing fuel consumption and wear.
  • An AI-powered system alerts you when your generator needs servicing or refuelling, ensuring it operates efficiently and is ready when needed.
  • Consider bi-fuel generators that can run on a mix of diesel and natural gas or propane, offering cost savings and lower emissions.


  1. Energy Efficiency Measures: Finally, reducing your overall energy consumption can amplify the impact of any alternative energy solutions you implement. Simple measures like upgrading to LED lighting, optimising HVAC systems, and implementing energy management systems and software can lead to significant savings and reduced reliance on Eskom.


While the challenges posed by load shedding and increasing electricity prices are undeniable, they also present an opportunity to accelerate the transition to renewable energy. By exploring and investing in alternative energy solutions like solar, wind, battery storage, and efficient generator management, companies can not only mitigate the impact of Eskom’s price hikes and unreliability, but also offers us all a chance to rethink our energy landscape.

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